True discernment asks us to be people of prayer, reflection, humility, openness, generosity and effort

Led by the Spirit -
Implementing the Fruits of our Discernment
With Phase 3 of our consultation complete Bishop Brian's response is now ready to be studied and prayerfully reflected upon.
In it, he outlines an action plan consisting of 4 strategies, aimed at addressing the issues that arose during the diocesan consultation. Though there are 4 strategies, they are complementary in nature and seek not to 'manage decline' but rather, and much more positively, strive towards renewal in the Lord, which by it's very nature is always open-ended and always open to going in the direction the Spirit leads us in.
The proposed Action Plan is a draft and requires development and fine-tuning, for which Bishop Brian asks our help. To this end the whole diocese is invited to attend an online open meeting via Zoom on February 19th at 6.30 pm. Please try to attend and please register for the meeting by clicking this link.
Click the button below to read the Draft Action Plan, or click here to download it.

The three phases of our diocesan consultation are now complete - see below for the reports from each phase of the process and see here for the draft Action Plan - Bishop McGee's response to Phase 3.

Read Bishop Brian's Homily for the Chrism Mass on 29th March 2023, in which he explores our 'Led by the Spirit' process.

Click below to listen to the hymn "We'll Be Led By The Spirit" by Peter Rose & Anne Conlon. Visit our resources page to learn more about it, view the words and download the music.
Introduction from Bishop Brian McGee
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
I love the Church! I love the Universal Church, spread across the world, and I love our Local Church which is the Diocese of Argyll and the Isles!
As your bishop I write to you about a deep conviction that is in my heart. As a diocese we need to discern together God’s Will. I invite us all to prayerfully listen to the Holy Spirit so that in the Highlands and Islands of contemporary Scotland we may be the Church God wants us to be, especially asking how does God want Argyll and the Isles to become more missionary?
I have lived among you and been your shepherd for almost seven years. I have travelled across our diocese praying, listening and sharing with you. I rejoice in and give thanks for the great goodness and deep faith in clergy and laity throughout our diocese. I am also aware that we face serious challenges. Prayerful reflection has confirmed my long-held conviction that disciples must listen to the Master’s voice. I ask you what is best: for us to do the good deeds we consider are necessary or to ask God what he wants us to be?
In my Pastoral Letter I reflect on the beauty of the Church and its calling, the reality of the problems we face, why I am full of hope and propose how we can together discern God’s Will. I take personal leadership of this discernment process as a sign of the importance I place upon it.
Other Resources
Pope Francis' Catechesis on Discernment
14 Talks from The General Audience of Pope Francis
Between August 2022 and January 2023 Pope Francis took the opportunity at his weekly Wednesday General Audience to give a series of talks on Discernment. He explored the meaning of discernment, looked at the example of St Ignatius Loyola, considered what elements come into a good discernment, before giving attention to consolation and desolation, what can help us in our discernment, and the importance of being accompanied through a process of discernment.
We have collected this excellent series of talks into a downloadable booklet, which is available here as a PDF or by clicking the booklet cover.
Phases in the Process
Phase 1. What kind of Church is God calling us to be in Argyll and the Isles today/How can we be more missionary?
Phase 2. What are our resources as a diocese?
Phase 3. How can we best fulfil our mission with our resources?