2021 Finance Statistics

Summary Parish and Diocese Finance Data


            Notes on the data supplied:

  1. The table below summarise the finance data submitted by the parishes for the year 2021. The income, expense and bank balance figures are taken directly from the returns submitted, prior to any accounting adjustments being carried out.
  1. When comparing parishes, it should be borne in mind individual parishes are not directly comparable in that;
  • Parishes may/may not share their priest with other parishes
  • Where parishes share a priest, expenses may be apportioned between the particular parishes
  • Whilst every priest is entitled to an annual stipend, individual priests may have declined payment in any given year
  • Some parishes may have incurred expenses related to visiting priests providing cover for leave
  • Insurance and energy costs will be higher for those parishes with multiple Church buildings as well as other properties.

Explanation of Column headings – Parish Data

  • Annual Income – refers to the total income figure for the year as reported on the parish annual return, including special collections
  • Annual Expense – refers to the total expenditure figure for the year as reported on the parish annual return, including special collections paid out
  • Surplus/(Deficit) – refers to the total income figure less the total expense figure for the year, a red figure in brackets, indicates expenditure exceeded income for that year. A black figure indicates income exceeded expenditure.

When considering this figure it should also be remembered that the timing of income and expenses could effect the overall annual result, e.g.  in certain years large income or expenditure could be explained by saving for or spending upon a particular project including property repairs. Donations and grants may have been collected in one year, generating surplus funds, with the spend then occurring in a later year generating a deficit for that year.

  • Closing Bank – this is the actual cash held in the bank per the parish bank statement as at the 30th of November for each year (this figure also matches the bank balance as reported on the parish return for the year.
  • (Loan)/Deposit – a red figure enclosed in brackets indicates the total value of funds the parish has borrowed from the Diocese, as at the year end. i.e. the liability that is due payable to the Diocese. 

A black figure indicates the value of funds the parish has deposited with the Diocese i.e. the amount which is due to the parish from the Diocese on request.

NB - The Diocese does not hold large amounts in readily available cash, it must withdraw funds from the investment account if the amount requested exceeds the Diocese bank account value at the time of request. (See Diocese figures on the last page to see bank account values).

  • Parish Position – this is a calculated figure which adds together the funds available in the parish bank account with the funds held on deposit, or subtracts the value of the loan funds due payable to the diocese and thereby indicates the true position of the parish from a cash reserves perspective. It should also be noted that this figure does not include the value of parish property/s.
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